About Me
Welcome to My Colourful World!

As a young woman in the digital age, I feel we have a lot of unlearning to do when it comes to the way we view our bodies and a lot of work to do on cherishing the skin we're in. My work not only sets out to help correct my own way of thinking but I hope has an impact on other women on their own journey of re-learning what is beautiful, feeling seen and accepting their bodies. In a world of filters and unrealistic expectations of beauty, my original paintings of real people explore everyday female bodies, giving them the spotlight and exploring what makes them beautiful and unique. Every bump, every lump, every curve, every fold, every dip, every mark, every scar. It's all normal, and it's all beautiful.
We are perfect just the way we are.
Coming from a Visual Art and Graphic Design background with a strong Pop Art influence, my style is very bold, bright and graphic. This graphic style, juxtapositioned with the realistic qualities depicted in my subject’s skin, produces a dynamic contemporary visual that creates a lot of interest in my pieces. This realistic element is important to the work, to accurately depict the female form as it is. My main mediums are acrylic paint and oil on canvas. Posca pens, moulding paste and collage make a secondary appearance on occasion. I also work digitally, creating illustrations and often mapping out canvas designs, as well as dabbling with creating polymer clay and acrylic earrings.
I've loved painting for as long as I can remember and have been seriously following my passion for visual art for the past three years, exploring body positivity and loving, accepting and normalising our unique bodies. As a young woman, I’m very passionate about this subject matter and I want to play my part in instigating change, through art.